Let's go to the Fair
The Fair of Nuestra Señora de la Salud of Córdoba takes place during the last week of May (from the 20 to the 27 of May). It is the highpoint of a month (May) full of celebrations that ends with a color explosion along the banks of the Guadalquivir river. Although far enough not to cause any discomfort to the hotel, it is, however, close for anyone to walk there and enjoy a lively time.
The Fair in Córdoba dates from 1284 when the King Sancho IV granted the Council of Córdoba the holding of a cattle fair twice a year. Plenty of holidays started as a modest cattle fair, a time where the country would sell its products in the city.
Córdoba's Fair is very similar to that of Sevilla's but with certain particularities that result in a more popular event. The difference lies on the nature of their stands: thus what remains private and exclusive in Sevilla, presents itself wide open to the public in Córdoba. That simple fact has shaped Córdoba's Fair into one of the most popular, yet traditional. festivities in Andalucía.
There is no specific schedule to attend the Fair, any moment will suit you well. Having said that, we, the inhabitants of Córdoba, like to have lunch there and spend the rest of the day until night finally closes in and the mood grows younger. The traditional carriages disappear along with the flamenco outfits, replaced by the youth drinking in the street.
You will have very little trouble finding a good place to eat in the Fair. You can sit down and remain in the same stand but it is way more fun to visit different places.
Avoid the car. Even though there is a vast public parking lot near by, it is not as simple to get there if you dont't know your way around. Use public transport instead. Also you will be missing the main entrance, a nice thing to see.
Dress cool and lightly, you will have plenty of heat these days, despite most stands have air conditioner you won't be able to elude the heat outside.
Carrying a fan is more than useful, also a nice hat is advisable if you have soft skin.
The Fair is full with activities to enjoy, concerts, flamenco, dance show... Here you can see the Agenda and the map of the Fair.
Almost every stand has a platform where people go to dance rumbas or sevillanas. Don't be shy! Go dance! No one will mind if you are good or have wooden feet, enjoy the party.